When you want to block annoying popup ads on your Android smartphone, use an ad-blocker application like AndGuard Pro, AdBlocker and AdAway. Many ad-blocker applications will automatically block embedded advertisements from Android apps and games from your phone. The best place to get ad-blocker applications is from Android...
Night crawlers will love this. Also the students among us will value this one so much......the y'ello network is at it again. Mtn just introduce another unique freebies for all night crawlers. And according to their message, it is unlimited. Yes you heard it right, It is unlimited...
How Do I Get EtisalatFree 50MB? 1.Get a new Etisalat sim though some old ones do work perfectly 2.Make sure the sim is registered 3.Put the Etisalat sim in your android sim one slot 4.Tweak this Imei 357232042301*** 5.Replace the *** with any random digits or use imei...
This is official for airtel users..dial this operamini data bundle *885# u wil receved a msg welcome to 500 Hours unlimited free access just click on that link to fil ur complete details and start using operia mini for free browsing downloading and more. Enjoy! NOTE : This...
Materials Needed 1. Your device must be rooted 2. Xpose installer should be installed 3. Imei Changer, Play Store. Now Follow the Steps below Carefully 1. Install Xpose installer and launch it 2. Click on Framework , click on install/ update 3. When all is done, reboot your...
Airtel NG Android 1+1 offer is not a new introduced plan, it was launched in October 2014, but the plan has officially stopped working for a while By Airtel. It seems that Airtel have noticed that they are missing lots of their customers, since people are porting to...
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